YORK has now been hit by five armed robberies in less than three days.

The latest happened earlier today when a petrol station assistant was threatened by a man wielding a knife.

This followed two incidents yesterday when a charity shop worker was confronted by a man holding a pair of scissors and a woman was accosted by a knifeman in a city centre alleyway.

The latest incidents came after two armed raids at South Bank Racing in Albemarle Road, and Jorvik Racing, in Bright Street, on Thursday, in which staff and customers were terrorised by a man with a handgun.

Today's raid took place at 6.50am at the Jet Garage on Hull Road.

An assistant was confronted by a man with a knife who demanded cash and phone cards. But the raider fled without taking anything when another customer approached.

The robber is described as a short, young white male. He was wearing a dark hooded top with a black cover over his face.

At 3.50pm yesterday, Nicola Clemit, manager of the Mind charity shop in Goodramgate, was faced by a man holding a pair of scissors as she tried to prevent her day's takings being snatched.

Mrs Clemit, 32, of Acomb, said an elderly female volunteer was at the till and had her back turned, while she was in a store area when the robber came in. She said: "I heard the till beep, so I just stepped backwards and saw the guy at the till. I ran to him. He had grabbed the money out of the till, and I grabbed his bag.

"He got away with £200. He obviously had a pair of scissors in his hand and was prepared to turn round on me," she said.

The robber was said to be in his late 20s, about 5ft 4in tall and of medium build. He had bleached blond hair and a black rucksack on his back.

At 6.50pm, a woman was confronted by a man "armed with a large knife" in the alleyway between Swinegate and Stonegate. He was later arrested by police and has been released on bail.

Police are not linking the latest incidents.

York Police Sergeant Colin Ventress said: "Obviously all these incidents were extremely unpleasant for the people caught up in them.

"We are appealing for any information from the public that could help us trace the people responsible."

Anyone with information should ring York Police on 01904 631321.

Updated: 12:45 Saturday, October 27, 2001