TRAFFIC and water engineers were still struggling today to devise emergency traffic measures which will force the closure of one lane of the inner ring road.

Paragon Street and Barbican Road, between Fawcett Street (from the Fishergate Bar) and Lawrence Street, will become one-way as workers repair a large hole discovered under Cemetery Road.

Further measures will also be in place, making Green Dykes lane one-way downhill between Devon Place and Hull Road, except for buses.

A spokeswoman for Yorkshire Water said engineers were meeting today to decide on a start date, but it was not likely to begin "within the next two days".

A spokesman for City of York Council said it was "likely" that the road would be one-way from Fishergate to Walmgate, but traffic officers were still finalising details.

Peter Evely, head of highways, said the measures would reduce the amount of traffic using the Fishergate gyratory.

Phil Grayson, landlord of the Victoria Pub, in Cemetery Road, said the repairs would hit his business hard.

He said: "I can't believe it. It has been an absolute nightmare with the sewage works and that's without the whole road being closed. I've already lost money and when Cemetery Road is closed customers will not be able to get into my car park."

Fishergate ward councillor John Boardman (LAB) said residents were concerned about the one-way system.

"I'm not particularly happy about the one-way system," he said.

"I think it will have a negative affect on people living in Grange Street."

Roy Templeman, director of environmental and development services for the City of York Council, said: "No one knew about the one-way plan at first because it was an emergency situation and we had to move quickly.

"I was only told about the hole in Cemetery Road on Friday morning and then we had to assess what we were going to do.

"We've got to agree the start and finish date with Yorkshire Water. We're completely in their hands."

A spokeswoman for Yorkshire Water said: "There's more damage to the sewer than we first thought and problems with a water main.

"Our engineers are doing what they can."

Updated: 11:06 Monday, October 22, 2001