DOZENS of York youngsters enjoyed getting wet while experimenting with a special musical fountain, as part the SightSonic Digital Arts Festival.

Families flocked to the National Centre for Early Music, off Walmgate, to play on the fountain.

A symphony of sound is triggered by pressing a hand over tubes set in the fountain.

Jets of water are also sent spiralling into the sky.

The fountain - called Notonecta from the Latin meaning Water Boatman - was specially designed for the festival.

Organiser Mark Hildred said: "The fountain was a massive hit with the children - they loved getting wet."

Other activities at the festival included Bong! Smack! - a massive sound installation which produced a tapestry of sound covering the entire city centre.

Five of York's bell towers, including York Minster, were joined by an array of sound material created by people from the city and around the world through the Internet, climaxing with a pyrotechnic finale.

Updated: 08:24 Monday, October 22, 2001