DOWNING Street today dismissed as "absurd" claims that the Prime Minister plans to "punish" York's outspoken Archbishop by denying him a place in the House of Lords.

National newspapers have claimed Dr David Hope will be denied the peerage as "punishment" for an alleged string of criticisms over the Government's handling of recent sensitive issues.

But Tony Blair's spokeswoman said the report was "complete nonsense".

"There is no way the Prime Minister would block someone from receiving a peerage because of a remark," she said.

Reports have claimed the Prime Minister was angry at the Archbishop's alleged criticism of disgraced government adviser Jo Moore, who caused an outcry after urging ministers to bury bad news in the aftermath of the U.S. atrocities.

It is a convention that the Archbishops of Canterbury and York are entitled to enter the House of Lords on retirement.

But Dr Hope, 61, said he is "not taking seriously" the claims.

A spokesman for the Archbishop said it was a "tribute" to the fact that Dr Hope raised important issues, but stressed that this was not done for political reasons.

Reports say government spin doctors began briefing against Dr Hope in March after he "demanded" that local and general elections be postponed because of the foot and mouth crisis.

He has also been outspoken about the war in Afghanistan, saying exclusively in the Evening Press that it should only have been a "last resort."

During the General Election campaign, he called on voters not to grant the Labour party a landslide general election victory because "power corrupts".

The Archbishop's spokesman told the Evening Press: "Dr Hope is not taking this story seriously. He has never criticised Jo Moore personally. Rather he asked for a review of the Government's handling of news. Dr Hope is highly regarded as a blunt Yorkshireman and always will be.

Ryedale MP John Greenway said: "I would not have a clue what Dr Hope's politics are, but I am absolutely sure he will continue to speak his mind about various issues and, quite frankly, that's what the public want him to do."

Updated: 11:04 Monday, October 22, 2001