ANNIE Rawlings, who celebrates her 100th birthday next week, has revealed her lip-smacking secret to a long and happy life - eating two bags of crisps a day.

The salty snacks, much derided by health experts as too fatty, are a regular feature in Annie's diet.

Yesterday she received an extra special birthday present from York MP Hugh Bayley - a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.

Mrs Rawlings, who lives at Broadway Lodge Residential Home in Fulford Road, York, is adamant that her two-packet-a-day habit is the secret to a long and happy life.

She eats one in the morning at 6am with her cup of tea and another as she goes to bed.

Annie's favourite crisps are cheese and onion.

Mr Bayley, who was invited to a fish and chip dinner at the home to mark Annie's birthday, said: "Annie is a very lively lady and a great pleasure to meet."

Annie was born on October 24, 1901, in Leeds. She married John William Rawlings in Scarborough and they had a happy life together until he died in 1996. She has lived at Broadway Lodge since 1998.

Updated: 09:34 Saturday, October 20, 2001