VICTIMS of homophobic abuse in York are being urged to report the crimes to the police.

There were 17 reported cases of assault or abuse against lesbians and gay men in the city last year, according to police figures.

But Yorkshire MESMAC - a North Yorkshire charity working with gay and bisexual men - said these might constitute only a quarter of the actual figure as most went unreported.

MESMAC spokesman Rob Wannerton said: "As an organisation working with gay and bisexual men across North Yorkshire, and also linked in with national and regional forums, we are able to give input on what issues are being faced by men in this area."

Mr Wannerton said they had been given access to police data over the past year on reported incidents involving gay people.

"The majority of cases have been around harassment on the streets, either verbal or, more often, physical assaults," he said.

"National research has shown that it's only about 25 per cent of cases that get reported to the police - people often won't report, for a variety of reasons.

"I guess if you have spent a lifetime battling against abuse in one form or another then you just accept it as part of the territory.

"What we are trying to do now is encourage people to report every incident, however minor it may seem, to give a clearer picture of what is happening."

Kathy Anderson, a North Yorkshire Police diversity adviser, who has been working with the gay community for the last three years, said: "It's vital victims of homophobic attacks tell us about them.

"We want to see people brought to justice."

Mr Wannerton said victims of abuse can contact the police direct or phone MESMAC on 01904 620400.

He is also keen to hear from people who have reported incidents in the past to get feedback on how they feel it was dealt with by the police.

Updated: 09:47 Friday, October 19, 2001