STAGECOACH Youth Theatre York prides itself on never shirking a challenge and has made a habit of presenting the unexpected. Next week's production at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre in York is the latest example of John Cooper's company introducing a new element in youth theatre: for the musical documentary Home And Away, Stagecoach is joining forces with disabled members of PACT Yorkshire.

PACT, a project of the Children's Society, supports disabled children and their families, helping these children to communicate their own views on all issues that affect them.

Commenting on the link-up, John Cooper says: "From the very first session, children from both organisations came together with the common goal of creating a piece of theatre and, in doing so, the bonds between them have become unbreakable. Indeed negotiations have already started for another joint production next year."

In creating this opportunity for youngsters of all abilities to work together and support each other, the disabled young people have had the chance to demonstrate their talents, while the Stagecoach members have learned about disability first hand. "I agree wholeheartedly with the PACT staff who believe the success of the project has manifested itself in the enjoyment that everyone has derived from the production," says Cooper.

Home And Away is a musical play recounting the experiences and emotions of a group of young evacuees in the Second World War, removed from their city backgrounds to be placed with rural families.

The original version was written for Stagecoach five years ago with much of the dialogue coming out of improvisation sessions in the initial rehearsals. This autumn's new production follows the course set by the original, using popular songs and dances of the era, complemented by 150 back-projection slides and wartime film footage.

Cooper maintains his recent pattern of involving former Stagecoach members in his production team, this time engaging Annie Ormond and Jenny Stanley as associate directors.

Home And Away has received "unprecedented assistance" from funding bodies, notably the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Halifax Building Society and the Lillian and Kenneth Harrison Trust. Their charitable donations have paid for carers at rehearsals, together with transport to and from the Stagecoach headquarters at Trinity Hall, Monkgate. "Without their help, this production would not have been possible," says Cooper.

Home And Away, Stagecoach Youth Theatre York and PACT Yorkshire, Joseph Rowntree Theatre, October 25 to 27, 7.30pm. Tickets: £6, concessions £4; ring York Theatre Royal box office, tel 01904 623568.