MARGARET Beckett said on Wednesday it would be a "miracle" if there was not a

resurgence of foot and mouth disease.

The Secretary of State was giving evidence to an inquiry into the outbreak. She told the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee that there had not been a new case of foot and mouth anywhere in Britain for 16 days.

But she warned the movement of animals during the winter months was likely to lead to the disease flaring up again.

"It is only right - given the fact we have had to licence some movement - that I do want to say it would be a miracle to get through the period taking place without seeing a resurgence."

The minster went on to risk the wrath of farmers by describing them as "not a bunch of happy bunnies."

She was questioned by the MPs on what the Government's future strategy was for the industry and whether there was any point in farmers whose animals had been slaughtered re-stocking.

Mrs Beckett pointed out the industry had been changing for decades and it was not just foot and mouth which had left farmers fearing for their futures.

She added: "There is a lot of dissatisfaction. I do not think anyone would say the farming community were a happy bunch of bunnies before FMD."

The select committee probe is separate to the three inquiries announced by ministers into lessons to be learned from the outbreak; a scientific review of how it was transmitted; and a policy commission on the future of farming and food.

Updated: 09:11 Thursday, October 18, 2001