York RI 'A' chess team gained their second successive easy win of the season in the Woodhouse Cup, beating Bradford 'B' 7-3.

Bradford 'B' were previously known as Undercliffe and gained promotion from last season from the IM Brown competition, in which teams are of eight players.

It seemed that no one had informed Bradford 'B' that the Woodhouse Cup is played over ten boards and they turned up with only eight players.

York RI 'A' duly won with victories from David Adams, Scott Fraser, Jon Griffith and Paul Johnson in addition to the two default wins. There were draws from Paul Townsend and Tony Slinger.

York RI 'B' were unlucky to lose 4-3 to Sheffield 'B' despite wins for Tim Turner and Patrick Gower and draws from Barry Marshall, Laurance Cornhill and Ewen Cameron.

York RI 'C' fielded one of their stronges-ever teams and routed West Leeds 6-1. West Leeds won all ten of their matches last season in division four and RI 'C' had expected a tough match.

However, Neville Pearce had a quick win on board five, followed by victories for Richard Hardy, Eric Winn, Owen Robson, Sri Sriharan, and Mick Beavers, and a draw from David Findlay.

York RI 'D' went down 7-1 at Dewsbury, where Aaron Barker was the only York winner.

York Evening League is to resume with two new teams making their debut in the second divison for the first time in many years.

Railway Institute Conquerers are a third junior team in the league and their first opponents are another RI team, Danger Squares.

Lady Anne Middleton's Hotel have started a second team and their first fixture is home to RI More Whipps.

Division one promises to be competitve this season. RI Cavaliers 'A', the reigning champions, should still be the team to beat, but four other teams have realistic chances of winning the title.

Cup holders Minster Inn are capable of beating anyone and only their lack of consistency has deprived them in the past.

Shepherds I ran Cavaliers 'A'

close last season and lost only two games in the league, both to the champions.

Lady Anne Middleton have strengthened their team with Jon Griffith joining the club.

York University could be the team to push Cavaliers 'A' the hardest. University beat Cavaliers 'A' last season, but in the past they defaulted too many games. Richard Mounce is back in charge and should ensure that the University field strong teams for every match.

Updated: 11:41 Thursday, October 18, 2001