Malton Bacon Factory IS set to be sold to Scotland's largest food group, according to union sources.

The Evening Press reported yesterday how speculation was growing that the deal would soon be done.

Today a union official confirmed that Grampian Country Foods Group (GCFG), based in Aberdeen, was expected to complete the purchase over the weekend.

The move ends months of uncertainty about the factory's future after Uniq, which owns the company, put it on the market.

John Radigan, of the factory's only union, USDAW (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers), said talks had been held between him and Grampian representatives last week as required by law.

He said: "The sale is in the final stages and is completed well enough to feel it necessary to consult with the union."

A meeting was set to take place between shop stewards and their union representatives at the factory today.

Discussions will take place with members over the next fortnight and written questions forwarded to Grampian which has agreed to address them.

Mr Radigan said, as he understood it, a seven or 14-day period according to industrial law had to be completed before GCFG could complete the buy-out.

This will end on Friday after which stock taking will take place over the weekend.

GCFG's spokesman Alistair Cox said: "Our company is not in a position to make any comments about the acquisition."

A spokeswoman for Uniq said: "We are in discussions with a third party over the sale of the Malton Foods which may or may not lead to the sale of the business."

Andrew Leeming, economic development officer for Ryedale District Council, said it was good news that the uncertainty was over.

Updated: 10:38 Thursday, October 18, 2001