I HAVE read many letters in the Evening Press complaining about the city's buses.

Last Thursday my wife was at the bus stop in Foxwood Lane at 10.10am and the first bus to town, a No 4, pulled up at 10.35. On Saturday she was at a stop on the Mount at 5.05pm to come back to Foxwood. At 5.35pm the No 12 came along. Not a No 4 nor a No 5!

She came home the long way round. So much for a bus every "ten minutes". First York will say it was "race traffic". If that were the case how is it six Park and Ride buses went past while she was at the bus stop?

D Suttill,

Thornwood Court,

Foxwood Hill, York.

Updated: 10:53 Thursday, October 18, 2001