POPPLETON moved to within 24 games of the Tyke Petroleum Men's League Division One title with a 91-17 defeat of an understrength Civil Service.

John Moore and Mike Binns (32 games) and Rob Jones and Robert Moore (31) were the pick.

Bubwith have finished fourth after beating Wigginton 60-48. Ian Driffill and Duncan Bradshaw won 23 games.

In the crucial match at the top of division two, Strensall were beaten 47-61 by Sutton-upon- Derwent allowing Riccall to move into the second promotion spot. Matt Ward and Richard Pears (20) did their best to offset 28 games from Paul Thomas and Chris Hobson for Sutton.

Appleton Roebuck's season in division three finished with a 73-35 victory over third-place Bishopthorpe and promotion. Dave Bradley and Tim Naughton scored 26 games. Wheldrake need to win their last match to take the title.

Wilberfoss's 55-53 defeat by Dunnington II moved them closer to relegation .

Castlegarth II's 81-27 defeat of Appleton Roebuck II included 29 from Mark Vines and Niall Wood but might not be enough to keep them in second place in division four.

Wigginton II's 72 against New Earswick puts them equal on points with two matches left, both against Appleton Roebuck. Boston Spa, already champions, maintained their status with 67 against Strensall II.

In division five Selby lost their fourth consecutive match since gaining promotion. Rufforth's Andy Ivel and David Laws were back on form with 29 games to take two welcome points.

Nestl went top of division six, scoring 90 against Knaresborough III. David and Luke Pollard scored 32 games.

Cawood II did even better to win their second match 93-15 against New Earswick II. Tony Gosling and Graham Bond dropped only two games. Tom Dennon and Anthony Talbot chipped in with 32.

Clubs holding trophies are asked to ensure their return to the league secretary as soon as possible.

Updated: 11:49 Tuesday, September 11, 2001