I READ your report under the the front page headline 'Why I sprayed Minster graffiti' (September 5) and the comments made by Mohan Paul, the perpetrator of this despicable act of vandalism.

They indicate, among other things, a lack of accurate information.

We have no evidence that child abuse did not exist in pre-Roman Britain.

Given the diversity of human nature in any society it almost certainly did - as did slavery.

As for racism how does Mr Paul explain the fact that at least one Roman Emperor was black?

Constantine was, at times, ruthless, yet as a result of his decision to promote Christianity as the official faith, several of the Roman Empire's worst facets (such as gladiatorial combats) were eventually to be outlawed.

The Ancient Roman Empire and modern Christianity may be seen as imperfect institutions.

But that is no excuse for attacking what Mr Paul perceives they represent in such a disgraceful manner.

As an Anglo-Indian he, more than most, should have a sense of respect for history and tradition. Such actions do nothing but harm to race relations and bring nothing but discredit to any causes they purport to represent.

C Corbett,

Bull Lane,

Lawrence Street,


Updated: 10:32 Tuesday, September 11, 2001