Q What causes gallstones? I have a recurring pain in my stomach after eating and my doctor says it may be gallstones. Can you suggest anything to help?

A Recurring pain after eating can be caused by gallstones, particularly if it occurs after fatty or rich food because this stimulates the gall bladder to contract and release bile. But there are other possible causes such as wind or stomach ulcers.

An ultrasound scan usually will show if you do have gallstones which have a variety of causes including high cholesterol.

Gallstones commonly occur in the overweight and are said to affect fair people, around 40 years old or older on average and more commonly females. They also go with hiatus hernias.

You should have an ultrasound scan and it may be that an operation is required if you keep experiencing pain. Meanwhile, I suggest a low-fat diet and learning to recognise which foods are the worst to eat and then steering clear of them.

I hope you don't end up having surgery but these days the procedure is usually performed by "keyhole" methods which have greatly reduced the problems of the operation.