If the world of computer games is full of the latest glamorous models looking as flashy as they come, then Anachronox is the plain Jane sat in the corner.

Based on the elderly Quake II engine, this sci-fi adventure is a muddy-looking affair.

But hang on through the grimy graphics and you'll find a rare offering of depth and humour. Those who have played Final Fantasy will be most at home with the style of game, for as you explore the world, your adventures are punctuated by short, turn-based battles. You control up to three characters at a time, although the principal plot follows the exceedingly average detective Sly Boots as he tries to fathom out who is trying to destroy the universe.

The story is what grabs your attention here, and it's one well worth following, told with a light touch often lacking in games. Anachronox may not leave your friend's jaws on the floor as they peer over your shoulder, but it sure is enjoyable.

Graphics 2/5

Sound 2/5

Gameplay 4/5

Gamespan 5/5

Overall 4/5

SPECS: Pentium 266, 64MB RAM, 8MB graphics card, 4xCD-ROM