READING Alan Smith's letter ('Fight traffic chaos', July 3) prompts me to make a suggestion that would reduce car usage and vehicle pollution at the same time.

The basic idea is to issue a smart card with each vehicle that could be used in a few ways.

When buying a ticket to park, the smart card could be used to buy the parking ticket. Less polluting vehicles would be charged less, encouraging the use of small cars.

If the car was being left at home, the smart car could be used to obtain a reduction on any bus or train tickets. If more than one person was using the bus or train, instead of a car, a bigger reduction could be given, making it more financially attractive to leave the car at home.

Fewer car journeys and less pollution would be the end result.

Colin Clarke,

The Crescent,

Stamford Bridge, York.

Updated: 08:59 Saturday, July 07, 2001