STEP by step, slowly but surely, I struggled across the river. With only enough space for one foot on each stone, it takes a while to negotiate the stepping stones across the Wharfe at Bolton Abbey.

And after eight tentative steps, I found myself facing an impasse - with one foothold beneath the surface of the heavy-flowing torrent.

But damaged stepping stones are no reason to turn down a chance to visit this most wonderful of North Yorkshire tourist attractions.

Wondering through the little village around the Abbey is pleasant enough, but things really hot up once you cross the road and head into the heart of the estate.

The first thing that hits you is the breathtakingly beautiful view.

Looking out from atop the wooden steps, there is a ruined priory to your left, a river, bridge and stepping stones straight ahead and forests to the right, with a beautiful backdrop of rolling hills. This is truly God's own country.

Historic Bolton Priory, which dates back to the 12th century, is definitely worth a visit.

The Black Canons of the Order of St. Augustine sheltered here at Bolton, where they pursued a life of service and worship, and today the Priory Church still serves the local community as a place of worship.

You can take a stroll around the ruins and the cemetery is full of a variety of interesting graves - for those who like that sort of thing.

The estate includes more than 80 miles of footpaths through some of the most spectacular scenery in England. Recently closed because of foot and mouth, many have now re-opened.

There are walks alongside the river Wharfe, with its peaceful shallows and fearsome Strid, through Strid Wood, with its rich variety of wildlife and, as a complete contrast, some paths cross the exposed purple heights of heather moorland.

Walking through the countryside is the perfect antidote to city life. As dappled light streams in between the branches, you feel a million miles away from the crowds and traffic of York.

You can walk to the Cavendish Pavilion for a pie and a drink and then cross the stepping stones (for the sure-footed and adventurous) or the bridge (for the sensible) and head up the slope into the woods, where it is worth looking out for an ancient tree stuffed with old coins.

Bolton Abbey really is a spectacular and relaxing day out. Highly recommended, genuinely one of Yorkshire's finest.


The Estate is open from 7.30am to dusk.

Strid Wood open 9am to 7pm until further notice.

Estate Car Parks: £3 cars. 75p motorcycles.

To get there: Take the A59 through Harrogate towards Skipton. Turn right onto B6160, signposted Bolton Abbey at the roundabout. Approx 45 miles.

Visitor information on 01756 718009 or