LIFE used to be a drag for teenager Michael Torrance.

But now he is strutting around the streets of York dressed as a woman to raise money for a trip to Mongolia.

Michael, 18, from Acomb, was at such a low ebb that he even attempted suicide but everything changed when he got involved in a youth development programme called Life Skills.

It was through Life Skills that his confidence grew and he got involved in Raleigh International, which runs three-month expeditions to destinations across the globe.

Michael chose Mongolia as it was just about the toughest place he could go.

He said: "When people hear that you're going abroad they think it's going to be a holiday, but it's not.

"I thought that Mongolia was the toughest, hardest place I could go to. It's a very strange place and a totally different culture.

"This is all about personal development and I want to push myself as much as possible."

During his Mongolian adventure, Michael will take part in three specific projects, each lasting three weeks.

There will be a community project in which he will help in building a straw bale clinic, consisting of medical wards for up to ten people, plus rooms for staff training and surgery.

In an environmental project, Michael will be counting endangered species and recording tracks and signs to help conservation and management of the local wildlife.

An adventure project will involve him trekking 200km over the Gobi Desert, across stone and rubble plains, sand dunes, rocky valleys, mountainous areas and wet saltlands.

Michael flies out next week and has been tirelessly fundraising to get together the money he needs to pay for essential kit and medical products.

His money-making schemes have included dressing up as a woman, getting involved in car boot sales and organising a letter campaign.

He has even written to Prince Charles, Tony Blair and York MP Hugh Bayley to create added publicity.

Anyone who can help with advice or help, either financial or practical, can ring Michael's support worker Dave Fleming on 01904 672482 or write to him c/o NYCC Training Services, Second Floor, Ryedale Building, 60 Piccadilly, York, YO1 1NX.

Updated: 08:51 Friday, July 06, 2001