Eight pupils who took part in work and college placements during their last year at secondary school were presented with Students of the Year awards at York's Guildhall.

All had taken part in the city's Work Related Learning project, which gives Year 11 students the chance to learn new skills alongside their GCSE subjects.

This year, students from schools outside York joined those from the city in taking part in two different parts of the scheme.

Some spent time with employers every week through York Training Centre; others got places on courses at York College.

Some students like Adam Wood, one of the eight special prize winners, did both.

Judith Short, who runs the college scheme, said: "Adam did work experience with a joiner and also did a joinery course at college."

Judith said schools from Tadcaster and Malton had joined the scheme this year, and interested schools included Easingwold, Selby and Ryedale.

All students who took part received a national record of achievement certificate.

Updated: 11:41 Tuesday, June 26, 2001