PEACE PROTESTERS were today showing solidarity with the countryside by shifting an anti-nuclear protest because of foot and mouth concerns.

The demonstration, which had been planned for months, was due to take place on the North York Moors near to the Fylingdales spy base.

It was aimed at keeping the controversial US National Missile Defence scheme - or Son of Star Wars - on the agenda.

It is widely believed that if NMD goes ahead, Fylingdales will play a major role.

But because of the foot and mouth crisis, the Whitby-based peace campaigners organising the demo switched venues to Whitby town centre bandstand.

The campaigners included the York Socialist Alliance, CND and the Quakers.

It is also thought that there could be a presence from anti-roads group Reclaim the Streets.

Damian Dunn, of the York Socialist Alliance, said the decision to switch venues was taken almost as soon as foot and mouth broke out.

"It hasn't really been a problem to change, as Fylingdales isn't too far from Whitby anyway," Mr Dunn said.

"Easter is traditionally the time for peace demonstrations, and while I can't make any real predictions regarding numbers I would hope today's peaceful protest would be well attended."

Son of Star Wars-related issues which the alliance wants to raise are the fact that millions of pounds are to be poured into the project "which could be better spent on health or education".

They are also concerned at North Yorkshire becoming a major military target without the people living there having any say on the issue.

"I became a peace campaigner 20 years ago out of concern at how inept and gung-ho Ronald Reagan was. Sadly, George W Bush seems just as bad, if not worse," Mr Dunn added.

Updated: 11:40 Monday, April 16, 2001