Q Since moving house nearly a year ago I find it difficult to sleep and am always tired.

My 12-year-old son seems to have a constant chest infection. Could our new home be affecting our health?

A Did your health problems begin shortly after moving house; and do you feel better when you leave the property to go on holiday?

According to the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, if the answer to both of these questions is yes, then your home may be affecting your health. Karen Kingston in her best-selling book Creating Sacred Space With Feng Shui believes that when you buy a house you should not only have it surveyed for subsidence and damp but also for geopathic stress. This is because over a period of time, living in areas of geopathic stress can have a negative effect on your body's immune system. Geopathic stress is caused when the natural energy field or vibration of the earth becomes disturbed. This energy field can be disrupted by various external forces, including building work either on or around your property that has disturbed the land; railways, motorways, or underground streams. Artificial electromagnetic energy fields generated by electrical equipment such as overhead electricity lines, or mobile phone masts can also have a negative impact on health. The National Council for Radiation Protection in American now recommends that schools are cited well away from high-voltage pylons because of the increased risk of childhood leukaemia. If you would like more information on geopathic stress, contact Caroline Hetherton on 01904 468754 or The Feng Shui Academy on 07071 228080.