Pizza is an easy and versatile meal you can make at home. Wil Marlow shows you how...

As a snack food or even a gourmet meal, the pizza's versatility knows no bounds. It's this that makes it one of the most popular foods in many countries across the world.

Although it's not the healthiest of foods -Renee Zellweger, the star of Bridget Jones's Diary, recently revealed that the secret to her gaining so much weight for the film was a diet of pizza - its use of different toppings has long made it a versatile snack and no more so than in America, the land of food excess.

However, its country of origin, Italy, is now trying to reclaim its hold on the delicious fast food. The country plans to register pizza as a national treasure in order to prevent culinary piracy, which Italian food experts claim means that the majority of so-called Italian food sold abroad is non-authentic.

This isn't an attempt to deprive the world of pizzas, the Italians just want some recognition for their creation. They want food piracy to be dealt with the same severity as that of software and music. After more than a decade of being a prime fast food in all corners of the globe, however, the task of stamping out such piracy will be a difficult one.

The pizza's unending popularity is due to its ability to accommodate a wealth of ingredients that can suit everyone's taste. It's even an easy meal to make at home.

"It may be imagined that making pizza at home is a difficult task, but it isn't," says Sarah Bush, author of The Book of Pizzas and Italian Breads. "Don't be put off by making a yeast dough, it is just as easy as making pastry."

So before the Italians try to hide them away here are some pizza recipes for you to try out in the kitchen that range from the simple to the extravagant.



For the traditional pizza dough:

345g strong white flour

1 heaped tsp salt

15g fresh (compressed) yeast or 1 tsp dried active yeast, 1 tsp sugar or 1 tsp easy-blend yeast

185ml hand-hot water

1 tbsp olive oil


u Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl.

u Mix the fresh yeast with some water in a small bowl then place in a warm place until it becomes frothy. When using dried active yeast, whisk with water and a little sugar before leaving it to become frothy. Then add the yeast liquid to the flour with the left over water and oil. When using easy blend yeast mix it into the flour and salt before adding the water and oil.

u Mix until it turns into a soft dough then knead on a floured surface for ten minutes. Then put the dough into a greased bowl, cover and put in a warm place for 45 minutes or until it has doubled in size.

u Knock back the dough and then knead briefly. Oil a 30cm pizza tin and put the dough in the centre to press out to the edges. Create a rim by pinching up the edges.

For the Margherita topping:

440g can of chopped tomatoes

2 tbsps olive oil

1 onion, finely chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed

3 tsps tomato puree

1/2 tsp sugar

3 tsps chopped fresh basil

salt and pepper

To finish:

1-2 tbsps oil

125g Mozzarella cheese

6-8 fresh basil leaves

u Fry onion and garlic in oil until soft. Stir in tomatoes, tomato puree, sugar and basil and season to taste with salt and pepper. Cover pan and simmer for 30 minutes until thick.

u Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas Mark 7.

Brush dough with one tablespoon of oil then spoon over the tomato topping. Slice the Mozzarella thinly and arrange it over the tomato sauce. Sprinkle with salt, 2-3 basil leaves and the rest of the oil.

u Bake for 20 minutes until the cheese has melted and the dough is crisp and golden. Garnish with the remaining basil leaves.



1 quantity traditional pizza dough

185g Mozzarella cheese

4 slices prosciutto (Parma ham)

2 tbsps olive pulp

2 tbsps olive oil

salt and pepper

To garnish:



basil sprigs

u Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas Mark 7. u Cut the cheese and prosciutto into cubes and place in a bowl with the olive pulp. Mix it all together adding a little oil if it's too dry. Spread the mixture over the dough.

u Season to taste and sprinkle with the left over oil.

u Bake for 20 minutes until the dough is crisp and golden. Add the garnish of curls of prosciutto, olives and basil sprigs.



1 quantity of traditional pizza dough

1-2 tbsps French mustard or 30g butter or margarine melted

125g sliced ham

125g mushrooms, sliced

6 tbsps crushed, sieved tomatoes

125g grated Cheddar cheese

salt and pepper

watercress sprigs, to garnish


u Preheat oven to 220C/425F/Gas Mark 7. Spread the mustard, butter or margarine over the dough.

u Slice the ham into diamond shapes and arrange it over the dough. Place the mushrooms on top then spoon a little tomato over them. u Sprinkle with the grated cheese.

Season with salt and pepper to taste before baking for 20 minutes until dough is crisp and golden. Garnish with watercress.

The Book of Pizzas and Italian Bread by Sarah Bush is published by Salamander Books priced £8.99.