AS a member of a 'community group' that regularly uses the swimming pool at the College of Ripon St John's, York, for an aqua-aerobics class for heart patients, I was intrigued to read in 'York schemes would change face of city' (Evening Press, April 9) that we would be compensated for its loss by being able to use the new sports hall.

I take this to mean that the sports hall will be capable of being flooded to allow the activities formerly taking place in the pool to be held here?

If this is not the case, I cannot see our members doing aqua-aerobics on dry land.

Where do the swimmers go?

Having been told we were to lose this facility later this year, we have so far been unable to find an alternative venue to continue what has been one of our best supported activities.

Aimed specifically at getting people who have had heart problems back to health, the loss of this swimming pool is of major concern.

Tony Tolhurst,

Chairman, York Coronary Support Group Trust,

Hall Park,

Heslington, York.

Updated: 09:51 Friday, April 13, 2001