Nobody wants to come home to find their home burgled.

It is a terrible experience which can be very difficult to cope with.

Obviously, it makes sense to have home contents insurance to cover financial loss, but it is better to try to prevent the break-in taking place.

Most burglaries happen in mid-afternoon when people are at work, or at about 5pm in the winter, targeting properties with no visible signs of someone being at home.

So what should you do? York Trading Standards offers the following advice.

- Visible security measures are the best deterrents

- Extra locks on the front and back doors, together with locks on ground floor and other accessible windows, are essential

- Security lighting can help, depending on its position and whether notice is taken if the lights are activated

- Alarm systems will act as effective deterrents, but need to be monitored

- Good neighbours cannot be underestimated in keeping an eye on what is going on in the neighbourhood. By working together neighbours can look out for each other, especially during holiday periods when one or the other goes away, or whilst neighbours are at work.

Remember burglars want to take the line of least resistance, so if your house looks more difficult to break into than another the burglar will usually go elsewhere.

When looking at your locks and other security measures it is worth talking to your insurance company and the crime prevention officer at York Police Station for advice.

Most insurance companies will offer discounts on your home contents insurance if you have the right type of locks.

In general, this means five-lever mortice locks or deadlocks on doors and locks on all accessible windows.

Insurance companies will take into account alarm systems when offering discounts on your premiums, but most require you to have taken other security measures as well.

Some insurance companies have links with alarm providers and locksmiths who may offer extra discount on the cost of locks or alarms.

However, once you know what you require it is always worth shopping around to find the best deals in town.

By following this advice you can keep your home as safe as possible.

For further information on this or any other consumer matter contact City of York Trading Standards. Telephone 01904 551562, fax 01904 551511, call in at 9 St Leonard's Place, or e-mail