Flooding fears are likely to be raised by residents at a public meeting tomorrow to discuss the proposed 600-home Germany Beck housing development at Fulford, York.

The special meeting, being held at Fulford School at 7pm, will be attended by officers from City of York Council, representatives from the Environment Agency, Yorkshire Water and the internal drainage board, all of whom will be available to answer questions.

The new homes proposed for what would be one of York's largest housing developments, could include a pedestrian and cycling-friendly traffic system, a new junction with the A19, improvements to Fulford school and community facilities and protection and enhancement of the beck.

Council chiefs say the scheme represents a real opportunity to make improvements to local services and facilities, and could bring social and environmental benefits.

But residents have deep-seated fears that the development would only worsen current flooding problems as the area surrounding the development site was completely under water during last November's floods.

Brian Smith, a resident of Fulford Mews, which backs on to Germany Beck, said: "It's not so much the principle of the thing which we object to, it's the way that they're going about it.

"The proposal includes a road going along the back of the old people's home in Fordlands Road. All of that area floods and if they're going to put a road there where is the water going to go?"

Residents are also worried that the development would increase surface run-off and compound problems with flooding in adjoining fields and in the Fordlands Road area.

Mr Smith said: "It's got to be ten times worse.

"I think there will be quite a lot of people at the meeting because feeling isn't good about this."

John Matthews, another resident of Fulford Mews, said: "There are obvious concerns about Fulford losing its villageness.

"There are worries about the local wildlife.

"There is an area marked as an ecological zone where kingfishers nest. Germany Beck runs along the edge of it and they're planning to build a road along there.

"The ecological zone floods on a regular basis and this leads into the area where the houses are going to be built."

Other issues up for discussion at the meeting will include the safer routes to schools scheme, the A19 corridor consultation and flooding and drainage issues in general.

Members of City of York Council's planning committee approved a draft development brief for the residential development in Germany Beck, as a basis for consultation in November last year.

Updated: 11:46 Monday, February 12, 2001