FLOOD victims in Ryedale and Stamford Bridge have won their battle - backed by the Evening Press - for vital flood defence schemes to be fast-tracked.

But the celebrations were muted today, amid fears that their victory may be at the expense of important maintenance work and improvements to the flood warning system.

The Yorkshire Regional Flood Defence Committee yesterday decided to prioritise new defence projects for Malton, Old Malton, Norton, Pickering and Stamford Bridge, ensuring that work can begin within the coming financial year.

But councillors from across Yorkshire refused to back a proposed 37 per cent increase in local authority levies to the committee, voting instead for a ten per cent rise.

The Environment Agency had said the big increase was needed to pay for a range of maintenance work to existing defences, better flood forecasts and new schemes.

Ryedale flood campaigner Howard Keal, who handed the committee chairman a bottle of "Chateau Derwent" - water taken from the river which devastated his home in March 1999 and November 2000 - afterwards welcomed the fast-tracking of new defences.

But Mr Keal claimed councillors had fudged the funding issue, and other parts of the region might pay the price. "It's robbing Peter to pay Paul."

He also warned that Ryedale still faced many more flood threats before the scheme could be completed - as soon as next week if it rained this weekend. "We are a long way from being high and dry."

Stamford Bridge Parish council chairwoman and district councillor Hilary Saynor said: "I am, of course, delighted that they are prioritising work on the Derwent.

"However, I do remain gravely concerned about the lack of maintenance that this levy is going to mean."

- Flood warnings remained in place on the Derwent at Stamford Bridge and the Ouse in York today, although the Environment Agency said the warnings were likely to be lifted before the day is out. A spokeswoman said: "Everything is now going down. We are watching the tides this morning and this evening, but we are not expecting any problems."

Updated: 10:09 Saturday, February 10, 2001