MEMBERS of Castle Area Campaign Group are pleased the Government has deferred a decision on whether to submit the Coppergate Riverside plans to a public inquiry.

We intend to continue our campaign against this development and will be in Parliament Street, York, again this Saturday, between 10am and noon, with our forms and clipboards asking for people who are against this massive development around Clifford's Tower, to sign.

We already have 4,500 signatures and now we have more time we will continue to collect more. Forms are also available from Mulberry Hall in Stonegate and at the Banana Warehouse in Piccadilly.

If you would like to collect signatures on our behalf, forms are available from the two shops mentioned or from me at the address below, or telephone 01904 789455. We shall also be holding a public march through the streets of York in the next few weeks.

Stuart Wilson

6 Vesper Drive,



Updated: 11:53 Saturday, February 10, 2001