ALL responsible states want to protect their citizens from possible external threats. The new US administration believes 'rogue states' pose Americans such a threat and is keen to counter with a Son Of Star Wars missile defence system.

However, to protect its citizens the proposed system requires that Britain, and Yorkshire in particular, be put in the front line with an essential part of the system, new radar, at Fylingdales.

The proposed system already threatens existing arms control agreements and the creation of a new strategic alliance between Russia and China to counter what they perceive as a possible threat to their own security.

Thus an untried system, which may or may not provide protection from rogue states and threatens a new arms race, is nevertheless being supported by William Hague. We know the Tories look to America for their ideas, but do we want their solutions? It may be common sense to him to be in the front line, but I cannot believe the people of Yorkshire wish to join him.

Richard Lamb,

Greystoke Road,

Rawcliffe, York.

...THE Son Of Star Wars defence system proposed by President Bush's administration should be treated with caution. Admittedly governments need strong defences but, if it is implemented, will it actually make the world a safer place?

I have reservations about it because I think it could trigger another Cold War and escalate the arms race once again.

N Fletcher,

Langton Road,

Norton, Malton.

Updated: 11:16 Friday, February 09, 2001