WITH concern I read about Nestl's proposed withdrawal from managing the Joseph Rowntree Theatre (February 2).

While I know that Nestl does put something back into the local community from which it gains so much, it seems unfortunate that they are not prepared to do more out of their huge profits from the excellent company which they were allowed to buy, namely Rowntree.

I realise that running a theatre is a costly business and having performed there with York Opera twice in the past 18 months, I recognise the need for refurbishment.

If an independent management committee is to be formed, I hope it does not lose sight of the vision and high standards of the theatre's founder.

In providing such a wonderful facility as a local theatre, Joseph Rowntree - the great grandfather of the man I married - was not only promoting the interests of his workers but also those of the wider community. I believe the Joseph Rowntree Theatre can still do this.

Perhaps the neglect of the interior of the theatre in recent years can be remedied without it becoming tawdry with a view to upholding those worthwhile exemplary standards and values which its founder so selflessly put before us.

Janet E Rowntree,

Heworth, York.

Updated: 11:16 Friday, February 09, 2001