York RI 'A' defeated Hull 'A' for the first time in 15 years in a key game in the Woodhouse Cup.

Tony Slinger agreed a draw when a pawn up to secure the last half point to give York a 5-4 victory.

York are now second in the table two points ahead of Hull 'A' and only two points behind Bradford.

The match started badly for York when Peter Cloudsdale lost quickly but wins by Richard Palliser, David Adams, Scott Fraser and Paul Hopwood gave the advantage to York.

Further draws from Paul Townsend and Plump meant York were leading 5-2 with three games left before Slinger gained the extra half point needed for victory.

York RI 'B' suffered a 3-4 loss to a strong St Andrews.

Barry Marshall ground out a win on top board, Paul Anderson beat Donna Strauss in a time scramble and Steve Webster comprehensively outplayed his opponent to win and Tim Turner drew.

York RI 'C' escaped with a draw against Hull 'C' when Sri Sriharan won the last game to finish in a time scramble.

Earlier Richard Hardy and Norman Andrews both won and Mick Beavers and John Blades both drew.

Four York-area players took part in the Yorkshire versus Cheshire match in the Under-25 County Championship held recently at York Railway Institute.

John Lafferty was unfortunate to lose on time in an overwhelming position.

Colin Snowball played skilfully in a difficult position to gain a draw in an opposite coloured bishops endgame.

Owen Robson continued his excellent form with a fine sacrificial attack.

With the score at 5-5 Neville Pearce was involved in the last game to finish and so would decide the match result.

He had had the better of the match throughout and reached an endgame with a rook and two pawns against a rook. However, in a disastrous finish he contrived to lose the rook and the game, handing the match to the visitors.

This was a pity as Yorkshire had fought back well on several boards to give themselves a chance of victory.

Updated: 13:09 Thursday, February 08, 2001