Four teenagers aged 16 and 17 have appeared before York Youth Court after a night of drunkenness and violence in the city.

They were among 27 people arrested on Friday night as fights broke out across the city.

Prosecutor Vivienne Walsh told the court how:

* a drunken 17-year-old from Acomb ripped an off-duty doorman's suit beyond repair when the victim intervened to stop him hitting a young woman on Skeldergate Bridge just before midnight;

* a police officer stopped the traffic on Clifford Street to protect a drunken 17-year-old from north York when he staggered oblivious to his surroundings into the road;

* a 17-year-old from a village north of York swore at police officers and a 16-year-old from north York shouted and waved his arms during a violent incident involving a group of youths at Megabowl on Clifton Moor.

The Acomb teenager pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly and was fined £40 with £55 costs and ordered to pay £175 compensation.

He told the court he was sorry.

The 17-year-old from north York pleaded guilty to being drunk in public and was conditionally discharged for six months.

Solicitor Kevin Blount said police had held him in custody for seven hours after his arrest. He had been drinking with friends in a hostel before going out.

The village 17-year-old pleaded guilty to a public order offence. He was given a six-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £20 costs.

For him, solicitor Jackie Knights said he was trying to explain matters to police but had used improper language.

The 16-year-old was bound over for three months after Mrs Walsh agreed not to press charges against him.

Others arrested on Friday night are expected to appear before York magistrates later this week.

Updated: 09:02 Wednesday, February 07, 2001