CREATING open space around Clifford's Tower, Mr Akers('No let up in the big shops row', January 30)? - it's there already. We bought it in the 1930s, and began to create a wonderful amenity area. Money ran out after the war, but successive York councils have preserved it for us with a car park. Strip the Tarmac, and we're back on course.

Opening up a new view of the tower? We rather thought it was the fire path for the Castle Museum. In saying: "Keep off our land", are we really "damaging investors' perceptions of the city?" Land Securities is keeping faith, to Hungate and beyond. And we don't always object to the new. The CGU building went ahead almost unopposed. People seem to like it. Perhaps, Mr Akers, you may care to ponder why.

Keith Daggett,

Ouse Lea, York.

...WHAT a vision Tom Adams has for our city. Here is a chance for the City of York Council to put York on par with Florence and Rome by developing the Clifford's Tower side of Land Securities venture as he suggests.

Mrs D Stones,

Main Street, Wheldrake.

Updated: 11:03 Tuesday, February 06, 2001