Hundreds of air cadets from across Yorkshire and beyond gathered at York Minster to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Air Training Corps.

But swirling snow and biting winds had meant the planned parade through the city had to be cancelled at the last minute. The Lord Mayor of York, Coun Shan Braund, the Sheriff of York, Barrie Ferguson and the Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, Lord Crathorne, joined senior military dignitaries for yesterday's service. It was attended by cadets from York, Ryedale, Easingwold and Knaresborough and further afield who make up the Central and East Yorkshire Wing.

Wg Cdr Kenneth Davies, the commanding officer of the Wing, said: "This is a very special occasion for us and it is a great honour to hold our service in York Minster.

"The Air Training Corps is proud of its success at developing young people to become good citizens and these are fine examples of today's young people."

Updated: 10:59 Monday, February 05, 2001