Seven York walkers put in a marathon effort by walking from Scarborough to York for charity.

The hardy souls set off from Scarborough at 11.45pm on Friday and marched through the night, arriving in York footsore, but elated, at 10.20am on Saturday.

They have collected more than £1,500 for Macmillan Cancer Relief so far, and hope to raise even more at an upcoming raffle.

The seven - Craig Winn, Andrew Turner, Andy Storey, Malcolm Brown, Kevin Greaves, Russell Greaves and Stuart Mallinson - set off at a cracking pace and covered the 42 miles well ahead of schedule, stopping only once.

They were helped along the way by a support team and advice from North Yorkshire Police.

Upon arriving in York, Craig Winn said: "We are absolutely shattered, with sore feet, bad knees and a good collection of blisters, but we made it and feel great."

Updated: 10:19 Monday, February 05, 2001