AN INTERNAL council investigation into claims that Coppergate II information was withheld has found no evidence of malpractice.

Anonymous claims that councillors were denied access to documents surfaced last month but in a new report, Richard Clark, of City of York Council's legal services, concludes: "I have not been able to find any evidence that documentation of the kind which would normally have been provided to planning committee members was withheld from them when they considered Coppergate II. I have not been able to find any evidence that the officers responsible for preparing and presenting the report to the Planning Committee acted other than in a proper professional manner."

Mr Clark, whose investigation centred on conservation team comments on the Coppergate planning application, says in his report that he was satisfied that senior staff properly dealt with these.

He is recommending a more rigorous recording process for internal discussions and a clear set of written guidelines for staff to know what should and should not go into the public planning file.

"Essentially this is codifying the process which already exists, to protect staff from this kind of claim."

David Atkinson, the council's chief executive, urged anyone with concerns about council conduct to raise them through the proper channels.

"We have recently adopted a whistle-blowing policy setting out how council staff can confidently raise issues of genuine concern," he said.

"That policy sets out clear guidelines for making and dealing with a complaint.

He added that the council took the claims very seriously and it would save time and public money if people with concerns went to the council in confidence.

"City of York Council is committed to conducting the planning process in full accordance with the law and is equally committed to ensuring that the process is open," he continued. "These were anonymous and totally unsubstantiated allegations about senior council staff and not a shred of evidence was being put forward by the author."

Updated: 10:08 Saturday, February 03, 2001