SOCIAL services must be the most maligned group of people in today's society. They either don't do enough to protect children, which was apparent over the tragic case of Anna Climbie, or they try to do too much, as in the case of the nine-month-old boy whose mother complained about them being called in when her son was taken to hospital suffering from a head injury (January 25).

It is a pity that when, on this occasion, her son was not found to be in danger of abuse, she could not leave it there. But instead she took today's way out of every controversial situation, by "seeking legal advice", which probably means that if she can sue somebody she will.

Surely she can appreciate that the social services have to investigate every single case where there is the least suspicion that a child is suffering ill-treatment.

I find it hard to imagine why anyone wants to become a social worker. I know several, and their lot is hard and stressful, with little or no respect, acknowledgement or appreciation at best - or verbal or physical abuse at worst.

I feel police, social services and hospital staff members should be able to act as they think fit, without the ever-present threat of being taken to court when, like everyone else at times, they make a mistake. It is, of course, different if death or injury results.

Heather Causnett,

Escrick Park Gardens,

Escrick, York.

Updated: 11:43 Saturday, February 03, 2001