I READ in amazement about yet another 'lorry gets stuck under Walmgate Bar' scenario (January 29). Thank heavens that the bar sustained so little damage!

Why can the powers that be not simply implement an immediate and total ban on any large vehicle from attempting to squeeze through the bar.

Better still, why not close it to motor vehicles altogether? Surely a unique and ancient piece of architecture must come before the considerations of modern road users? Or are we going to wait and see how long it takes before a motorised monster completely demolishes the bar?

I believe this is the third such incident in fairly recent times. If some people are idiotic enough to try to squeeze large vehicles through inadequate gaps, we must ensure that such action is physically prevented.

Chris Broadribb,

Gay Meadows,

Stockton-on-the-Forest, York.

Updated: 11:43 Saturday, February 03, 2001