Treat your wife or sweetheart to a high society twirl.

York's Lord Mayor, Shan Braund, put out the romantic invitation today to join her at the Lord Mayor's Valentine Ball at York Racecourse on February 17.

The £35-a-head black tie ball is being held to raise money for Coun Braun's nominated charity, Shopmobility York, which provides free wheelchairs for disabled shoppers in the city.

"We hope to raise thousands of pounds for this very worthwhile cause. We have tables for parties of up to ten or couples can come along and celebrate St Valentine's Day," said Coun Braund.

She helped set up Shopmobility in the city nearly three years ago to provide powered wheelchairs or scooters to temporarily or permanently disabled people wanting to shop in York.

Tickets for the ball can be obtained by phoning Civic Secretary Nick Wharton on York 613161.

Updated: 12:25 Tuesday, January 30, 2001