HERE'S the juice - a healthy new message in the heart of York.

And the owners of The Juice House, in Shambles, Nick Ledger and Peter Kumar, can point to their own recovery from illness to back their belief in their new enterprise.

Nick, from Acaster Malbis, suffered from colitis and faced surgery, but since turning to juicing saw an increase in his energy levels and a total clearing up of his symptoms.

Peter, from London, suffered from advanced lymphoma, and while he does not attribute his present symptom-free condition wholly to juicing -"I would be dead without chemotherapy" - he too is certain of the benefits of regularly consuming the body's "building blocks".

In the Juice House you can see the tasty juices and healthful wheat grass drink, which packs the equivalent godness of two-and-a-half pounds of unprocessed vegetables, prepared from fresh ingredients before your eyes.

"We have so much enthusiasm because of what we have been through, we want to go out and share it," said Nick.

Updated: 10:18 Saturday, January 27, 2001