Elderley York residents forced from their homes as the River Ouse reached its highest level in 400 years may escape paying rent.

Housing chiefs with City of York Council will meet next week to discuss writing off rent owed by the residents of Castle Mills sheltered housing complex, in Skeldergate.

It would mean that money owed for three weeks from October 31 when the 36 tenants were forced to stay with relatives or in other council property would not need to be paid - representing a loss to the authority of £6,723.

Waiving of rent would also apply to seven council tenants living in Fulford and one in River Street - a loss to the council of £3,217.

More than £98 would be written off if Councillor Viv Kind, the council's executive member for housing, also agrees not to collect rent from ten leased garages in Fulford, bringing the total loss to more than £10,000.

City Mills residents returned less than three weeks after they were evacuated, but some of the others have still not been able to return to their homes.

Coun Kind will be asked to consider three options:

* To offer no rebate

* To waive rent on all affected


* To waive communal warden and heating charges at Castle Mills, while writing off the rent for other properties until tenants can move back.

The options will be considered on Tuesday when Coun Kind meets the council's housing officers.

Coun Kind will also discuss proposed rent increases averaging £1.58 a week for York's council-owned homes.

Updated: 10:20 Thursday, January 25, 2001