I FEEL sorry for the contributors to your columns who believe ministers and back-bench Labour MPs want to see fox hunting banned because of apparent cruelty to foxes when hunted. This is nave folly.

The real reason is that these elected idiots despise the people who take part in fox hunting, and it is their way of having a go at a section of society they perceive as 'toffs'.

This legitimised class war by Labour is despicable and dangerous and shows how low they will stoop for a few cheap votes.

The fact that Tony Blair gave Commons time to the hunting issue, when the dead are piling up in our hospitals, the transport system is in a shambles and there is near crisis in teaching and police numbers, tells us more about this shallow Prime Minister than any of his spin doctors ever could.

Mark Fraser,

York Road,

Haxby, York.

Updated: 10:35 Thursday, January 25, 2001