I READ that York heads the league tables because it spends less per head of population than any other unitary authority (Evening Press, January 10). The council tax is one of the lowest. I presume these are matters of pride for this council.

In the same paper, you also report that the council is unable to provide adequate respite care for autistic children in York. There is a connection between these two things, a choice is being made.

A range of cuts in services for the most vulnerable children and adults in York are being made, or planned, and we are told this is due to a lack of money.

I am saddened that we in York are not clamouring to have higher council taxes so the city can adequately care for all its own people. If we do not care for our own, then who will?

York could head the league tables with some of the most effective services including having adequate respite care for autistic children. Having one of the highest council taxes in the country would be a small price to pay.

Adam Myers,

Alma Terrace York.

Updated: 10:36 Thursday, January 25, 2001