A student was rushed to hospital today after a television fell on her at York Sixth Form College, a spokesman confirmed today.

Laura Rampling, 17, from Osbaldwick, was injured just before noon in the social area of the sixth form college, in Tadcaster Road.

An eyewitness, who did not want to be named, said: "There was just blood everywhere. It was not a pretty sight. She was just sitting down when the television fell off the wall and hit her. It looked like she had a broken nose."

David Jackson, health and safety advisor at York College, said: "An accident has happened and we are investigating the circumstances.

"I believe Laura has a suspected broken nose. She received treatment from a college first aider and an ambulance was called. Of course her parents were contacted immediately."

A college spokesman said the television that fell had been in the social area, which is next to the snack bar, for years.

Updated: 16:26 Thursday, January 25, 2001