ANOTHER defeat, another game without a goal, but reasons for renewed hope after a torrid few weeks at Bootham Crescent.

Chesterfield may have extended their lead at the top of Division Three with last night's win that left City still in the mire, but after recent performances had fans questioning the commitment of this current side, the Minstermen restored some much-needed credibility and pride.

One swallow does not make a summer and talk of the corner being turned is perhaps premature, but if City can produce the same vim and vigour for the remainder of the season then January will be a painful but distant memory come the end of term.

The service to the front men still left a lot to be desired, particularly in the second-half, while a lack of invention and creativity remains a problem.

But City were certainly more compact, less disjointed and at least looked like a 'team' as the defence defied its recent brittleness to give the Minstermen a steely-platform upon which to build.

Marc Thompson, another fresh face to the starting line-up, brought some much needed bite to the City midfield and was perhaps unfortunate to get a red card to tarnish a tigerish display.

Updated: 11:50 Wednesday, January 24, 2001