More than a dozen nuisance youths are being considered for anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) by North Yorkshire police and City of York Council.

The orders could restrict the movements and curb the behaviour of some of the city's most troublesome youngsters.

Police have been impressed overall by the effects of the four ASBOs taken out so far.

One tearaway has not been in trouble in York at all since becoming the subject of an order last year.

Denis Southall, tenancy enforcement manager at City of York Council, said: "ASBOs have proven extremely useful.

"They are an effective tool in reducing crime and disorder in the areas in which they have been taken out, and have helped address nuisance behaviour."

PC John Bolton, community safety officer for York police, working with Safer York Partnership, said: "Evidence is being gathered at the moment by local officers to identify who we should be looking at taking out ASBOs against.

He said that while around 15 youths were being considered for ASBOs, only a handful would actually be applied for.

York has been at the forefront of tackling youth crime and anti-social behaviour with four ASBOs taken out to date.

Updated: 08:34 Wednesday, January 24, 2001