A York builder who suffered severe back pain after years of manual labour died from an overdose of painkillers, an inquest heard.

Stanley Smith, 45, was found dead in bed at his home in Festival Flats, off Fishergate, by his brother Thomas.

An empty bottle and an empty pop-strip, both of which had contained painkillers, were discovered lying on a coffee table in the living room.

Also found nearby was a note written on the back of an envelope, which read "Sorry Tom, love you Mag (his friend Margaret), bye bye".

Tests revealed Mr Smith died of an overdose of Dihydrocodiene - a painkiller which he had been taking though the pills had been prescribed for a friend.

Tests also showed he had drunk the equivalent of seven pints of beer.

His brother Thomas had been to see him just days before his death in May last year after a friend had called to say he was depressed.

Not only was his back pain a physical problem, it had stopped him working and meant his finances were low.

Coroner Donald Coverdale recorded an open verdict.

He said he could not be satisfied that Mr Smith had intended to take his own life. His judgement could have been clouded by the alcohol he had drunk and he may have been so overwhelmed with pain that he took extra tablets.

He added that the note that was found was "not totally clear".

Updated: 08:44 Wednesday, January 24, 2001