CONGRATULATIONS to Julian Cole (January 18) for highlighting the role of Fylingdales on the North Yorkshire Moors as a pawn in Bush's proposed National Missile Defence System ('Son of Star Wars').

While William Hague tries to play up the defence card for the General Election, it is good to see a journalist pointing out both the futility and dangers of this expensive programme to keep the American technology industry and military in jobs.

The biggest nuclear threat right now is surely from American depleted uranium fallout, ageing Russian submarines and power stations, and the hostilities between nuclear weapons states such as Pakistan and India.

Surely Tony Blair must realise that it is about time we stopped hanging on to the coat-tails of America and started to tackle the environmental challenges facing this country and the planet.

Andy Chase,

Nunnery Lane, York.

...NOBODY could accuse the Evening Press of lacking variety. Take just two items in last Thursday's issue: the sensible, thoughtful column on Fylingdales by Julian Cole. And on page three 'Porn videos were not sexy enough, court told'...

The complaining members of public concerned must have the cheek of a sack full of brass monkeys and about as much sense. Besides, it's common knowledge - from a previous feature in the Evening Press - that I can buy a pig's head mask and a chest wig, from the shop in question just whenever I feel the need.

That's more than enough excitement for me.

Margaret Lawson,

Aldborough House,

The Groves, York.

Updated: 12:08 Wednesday, January 24, 2001