I AM writing to support the view of Paul Wright (January 15) who expresses his dismay at the destruction of shrubs and plants at the riverside site off Leeman Road to make way for a new housing development.

I witnessed the end of the uprooting of a line of healthy mature poplar trees on that site. I understand from City of York Council that permission had been granted for this act of vandalism.

A spokesman for Taywood Homes Ltd has said "We can ensure the replanting is as good, if not better, as the original" (Evening Press, January 15).

Can he tell me, I wonder, how the development company can replant a row of mature poplars? Housing developments so near to the city centre are to be welcomed, but at what cost to the environment?

Ruth Dinnie,

Millgates, York.

Updated: 12:09 Wednesday, January 24, 2001