I FEEL I must respond to the points raised by Harry Ford concerning funding for flood defences (January 12).

North Yorkshire County Council, along with the other local authorities in the region, is precepted by the Yorkshire and Humberside Flood Defence Committee. The flood money goes straight to the committee, an offshoot of the Environment Agency. It is the committee, not the local authorities, which is responsible for flood defences on the main rivers and tributaries in the region.

For 2001-02, the Environment Agency is proposing a 63 per cent increase in the levy for the Yorkshire region. This equates to an increase of £1.3m for North Yorkshire County Council, or approximately 1.2 per cent on the Council Tax bill.

When John Prescott visited the region at the height of the flooding, he reassured local people that the Government would meet the costs. Now it seems they are expecting people to pay after all.

Come on Mr Prescott, people have paid their taxes, where are your promises?

Chris Metcalfe,

County Councillor (Tadcaster),

North Yorkshire County Council.

Updated: 12:09 Wednesday, January 24, 2001