A teenager dragged from a blazing car just seconds before it exploded in a fireball was reunited today with the man who saved his life.

Off-duty police officer David White risked his life to save 16-year-old Will Vaks, whose parents have written to police chiefs to thank their son's saviour.

A terrified Will was staring death in the face after his friend's VW Golf collided with a Mercedes on his way home to Monk Fryston, near Selby.

He was trapped by the crushed front passenger door and dashboard as he watched the Mercedes burst into flames before setting fire to the Golf.

He said: "The flames were starting to lick the back seat behind me. I was screaming but they couldn't get me out."

It was then that Lady Luck smiled on Will as PC White, from nearby Birkin, pulled up and sprang into action.

With flames starting to engulf the car, he released Will and then pulled him over the gear stick before they both escaped through the driver's door.

Said Will: "I had just got into the ambulance when I heard a loud bang and saw the Golf explode in a fireball.

"I'm lucky to be alive and it's all down to PC White who risked his life to save mine."

He added: "It was a very emotional moment when we came face-to-face again. I couldn't remember what he looked like, but I recognised his voice.

"I intend to keep in regular touch with him."

PC White said today: "Will is a very lucky lad because I was told everybody was out of the car, but I decided to take another look.

"He was trapped by his legs and flames had leapt on to the Golf. Luckily his legs came free and I carried him to safety.

"Seconds later both cars went up in flames."

Will, a chef at the Crown Inn at Monk Fryston, escaped with facial cuts and a broken arm, although one of his hands is still paralysed.

Will's mother Marianne, the new licensee at the Crown, said: "What PC White did was extremely brave and we can't thank him enough - he's a real hero."

Updated: 14:53 Tuesday, January 23, 2001